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Just Breathe

I can go for plenty of days and not a darn thing gets done. So unproductive of me. I took the time this morning to go within and meditate. A good amount of time. What a difference. I had more energy and a better attitude. I have said to myself no it doesn’t… but I feel so much better. I feel connected. I want to do things. I have a clearer vision.

When I first meditated I had all these questions. First, am I doing it right? Well just close your eyes and take a deep breath and you’re on your way. It isn’t rocket science. I thought it was years back. Do I need a mantra? Yes, you do if you are doing transcendental meditation. There was someone who told me I was doing it wrong because I didn’t do it their way. I am so done with that way of thinking! I do it my way!

I was in a class where everyone sat on the floor so , I thought I couldn’t meditate if I couldn’t do that and sit crosslegged! I can’t do that! So I asked for a chair. When I am home I just lay down in bed. Sit down at the base of tree! Be consistent in doing meditation. No matter how you choose to practice. I feel the key was just to do it. Clear your mind. Chanting a sound…this will distract you from all the mind chatter. Try just sounding out the vowels a,e,i,o and u. they will also clear your chakras. Take in some good deep breaths and that is all there is to it. Try to journal your thoughts afterward. It helps!