Posted in Grieving Naturally, Self Determination

For those who grieve

Its is Friday afternoon, I’m relatively in a good place. Like most, I would like the world to be a better place. I reach out and talk and help others that have lost a child (children), but I have realized that I want to help more with moving on with their lives. Our children are with us all the time. So making a choice to be happy or sad, healthy or sick is all up to us!

There will always be certain dates, situations or things that trigger you. That is totally normal. However, not fully living is not what our children would have wanted us to do.

First we have to make our selves happy. What does it look like. Reading and educating yourself. Good food plan and exercise, journaling and meditation, communicating with others. Communication that is only moving you forward. Believe me, I’ve had to walk away from some.

in the beginning, I felt guilty at first, when I started to do well. Each day gets better. You can apply this to other lost ones in your life.

Love to hear how you have moved along!

Posted in Insights, Self Determination, Wisdom

Live in the question

Years ago I was taught to always live in the question. In present time it is extremely essential for my healing on my spiritual path. What does that mean? It means that no matter what you hear, read, watch, there is a good chance that there is something else really going on. Don’t blindly accept it. Research it.

In this world of divide and conquer, so many just simply believe what what is in front of them. Watch the variety of crime shows and the thought that goes through the mind, it is just a TV show. No, it is going on all around you. But because on the news they said it happen, it happens. Or, I shouldn’t believe that it is conspiracy. But maybe, it is far fetched. But just maybe there is bit of truth to it. This does not only go for political. It is for spiritual as well.

There are so many people misleading others. At this point in my life, I ran into quite a few, and didn’t leave the lot of them until I got my behind burned. This was all in the line of seeking a spiritual mentor.

Telling someone that they should not study with another side, or mention what they learned from another source or group, Is a big red flag. This just happened to me in one group that I seemed to like. People were absolutely lovely. Then at some point, I was trying to understand something, by mentioning something I learned in another philosophy. They tried to squash me down like a bug. I backed out. I was told you have to play with what they are doing. I said no. I live in the question and If I can’t have free will. It is not for me.

What ever you are downloading into your brain, from what ever source. Always take a minute and ask your higher self is this good for you. Your higher self has you in it’s best interest.

Because of different pathways I took through out my life, I have chosen to take a balanced approached. I learned from a professor years back, that anything in fanaticism is brain dead. That is a value I hold close. Maybe sometimes you have to dive in deep to understand. It is important to pull back the reins to a balance stance. Choose balance, at this moment wisely. Because what you are studying isn’t always a bad choice. Sometimes it is the organization. Walk with your eyes wide open.

Posted in Insights, Overcoming Emotions, Self Determination, The lady's Journey, Wisdom

The answers you are looking for are inside!

After years ( I can say years !) of being a truth seeker of many philosophies and religions, I honestly was spinning my wheels looking back. Not one proved to be more fulfilling than the other. If so, it was short lived. The knowledge base I have developed, is amazing, but not quite the whole Akashic records!

For this attention deficit goddess, I was all over the place. I’d get pulled to one then the other. What I didn’t understand, I made charts for. This helped me to put the pieces together. What I found was there was nothing under the sun that is new. Just several different authors spinning the same wheel. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Not all people get the message in the same manner.

The other issues I ran into was seeking a teacher. I wanted a mentor. There were some good ones, some bad ones. The bad teachers were the ones that would not release the student. This was due to their own ego issues. Nothing stopped me, I kept looking. They were there for a purpose. Well they were all there for a purpose, I have come to learn. Some got to show me my shadow side.

Then there were the groups. When I was back in college, I did a paper on cults. They all have a big lie, they tell you who you can or can’t talk to. They let you know you can only be with them in their thinking. When I first started in a group, the information was pretty much interesting and attracted my attention. The people were so friendly. Like most, that is what I needed more than the information, now that I look back on it. Most of the time I got out in time unscathed. There were times I payed a dear price with my mind, body and spirit. I picked up my big girl pants and moved on.

In my autumn to winter years of my life, I have not stopped seeking. By this time, I recognized that both eastern and western thoughts were basically the same. They all had the basic moral laws to live by.

In 1996, I started in my Reiki Energy training. In 2000, I was certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate. I meditated before, but even more so when healing myself and others. As I pulled the energy down from God through my crown chakra. I learned to be still and clear my mind. By the time I achieved mastery, learned to listen to myself, by getting messages from my higher self. I trust this is God, Goddess, Spirit, Buddha or Allah. Doesn’t matter. I stand on the shoulders of all these great masters. They taught me well. They are all of the collective consciousness. All of them are listening. But the main thing am I? Now I can say yes!

The best lesson I learned, was to ask my higher self if there is something needed to be learned from all this knowledge. I’m laughing now, but my Attention Deficit came in handy. I learned a specific piece of knowledge, got anxious and moved on. It was not meant for me to stay with it, I’d read the book for days if it was truly calling me. Even when someone is being evil and mean There is a reason, they were placed in my movie for me to learn a lesson.

I didn’t do this at the time you were going through the process. But we hold on to these experiences in every cell of our body. It is time to release the negativity. Take a look at what is still ailing ourselves and let it go. It is Never too late.

Posted in motivation, Organization, The lady's Journey

You Got this

I get sidetracked just like everyone else. That is right, even forget to write on here. Life happens and get distracted. Time flies. Which of these 10 ideas should I write about and then can’t make a decision. Really! I’m regrouping today! One day at a time!

I went to the doctor the other day for my general check up. This doctor did not know me from anything. I did not choose her, my other doctor left. Obviously she hasn’t checked my labs. She looked at me and said I was going to die soon and I needed to get on statins for my cholesterol (numbers normal)and metformin for my diabetes (numbers pre-diabetic). This past year I reversed my diabetes. I stood up for myself and I told her that I have a team of people that help me. Either she joins me or I’ll find another doctor. I was glad that I stood up for myself. However, I was so floored, I came home an ate junk food. I do not do well with abusive behavior.

I do know I have to get back on my plan. I got off it for a bit with dealing with my usual stressful stuff. But I certainly did not deserve that. Knowing that what they call healing is about the bottom line, and having first hand experience is another. What happened with…I see you went up 2 points on your A1C, but your pre-diabetic still, that is good. How can I help you?

This is why I have mostly worked with alternative medicine for several years. I am not perfect and know that. As I look back. I see that I have taken 1 or 2 steps back, not 10. I’m progressing in the direction of my life goal. That is what counts. My time between me being off target and on, is less and less. When you can look at things like that, you are ahead of the game. That is where the control is. Planning, recording time in your schedule. You see proof.

I use the digital calendar, however, I also use a paper planner. I just need to write it down. That writing is my connection for it to sinking into my brain. For me that works. Everyone has a different way to keep themselves organized. Go to your inner voice. She knows the answer! Find yours. Just do it! As I share with you, I remind myself. Have a great day!

Posted in Insights, motivation, Overcoming Emotions, The lady's Journey, Wisdom

Tolerating Dismissiveness

Tolerance comes in many shapes and forms. One side is judging the other. It takes a lot of courage to ignore or fight back the behavior attack towards you. What is missing in many cases, is the understanding on one side or another. Be mindful and compassionate. Take time to listen.

It is important that one recognizes that all information does not necessarily come from the most popular resources. It does concern me when someone just assumes what they hear is all their is without even the considering another position. Taking face value, Just because the scientist isn’t popular in the main stream, does it mean that they are wrong or haven’t done the research. Maybe they have gone through so many trials and tribulations, in order for you to receive the information because others don’t want you to find out. This would concern me. It is important to open our eyes and not just go along. No one says you have to accept everything, but don’t dismiss it totally because it is not the popular. This is an issue with so many topics on so many levels.

I was different, my whole life. I have come to embrace this uniqueness as a positive attribute about myself. I questioned everything especially when I always felt when something just didn’t seem right. My feeling is my higher self, and that I trust. I trust my gut. My feminine intuition or what ever you want to call it. I guess my soul is just not good enough for some. If you are believing something and it is truly what you believe. They are dismissing the very core of your being and that just hurts. Don’t you understand that these people are put into your life to learn. Embrace the challenge. Your soul is inviting you to do this.

At first, I may be taken back by a topic. But then I come back and I’m willing to listen. The act of listening is what actually brings all of us into balance. Our heart smiles !!

Posted in Feng Shui, motivation, Organization, The lady's Journey

Clearing my space

I was told from my Astrology friends, that this full moon would be in Virgo and to use it to my advantage. Yes I’m a Virgo. I have spent most of this week. I have been in an decluttering. It was so cathartic to rip up all the paper. At the end of this week I am feeling so much more energized. It is amazing how much a difference it makes. Why fight it, if it brings some beneficial results. It is called life happens. It is moving past that what is stopping me, accepting it.

I have Attention Deficit. Approaching a project can be unapproachable. I’ll be frozen for days and months avoiding it totally choosing some fun stuff. Sometimes, I need someone to just sit with me. Not even do much. Just start me addressing the pile. I did have some one help me and what a blessing it was. Then they can walk away.

Last night after I cleared my closet and stuff all around my room. I also cleared my rocker so I can enjoy my book later that night. It was such a sense of peace in there without all the clutter. I so enjoyed my journaling. That is a sacred place for me. I haven’t been able to enjoy it. The clutter stifled my creativity. Once it cleared. I was writing pages! I invite you to join me.

Posted in Grieving Naturally, Insights, The lady's Journey

Layers of Grief

This week I lost another good friend in the past week. It never gets easy. I find that since I lost my children. I walk another path. A path where my heart was ripped out. Each and every time another loss happens. It hurts a wee bit more.

Yes it hurts. Many people go into fight flight or frozen. Well freeze I do. I do apologize, for I don’t even attempt to sit at this computer until I heal my heart a bit. I have a point of reference, where that is now. My recovery time is so much sooner. This doesn’t mean that I loved less, cared less. it means…with each passing loving soul, I grew stronger. I take time to meditate more.

Take a breath…I take more deep breaths. When someone passes, it literally takes the wind out of your sails. it sets you back. But then the wind comes back and moves you onward. Then at that point you know that this beautiful energy that was your friend or your family member has translated into beautiful energy. Directed by Source towards a whole new purpose. Release with love, compassion, joy and grace…You will always be connected. Exhale.

Posted in Energy Healing, Insights, motivation, Overcoming Emotions, Self Determination, The lady's Journey

Be the light for you!

We all have the capacity to shine and be the light. Sometimes along the walk of life there was someone that said to us, somehow…No not you! Whether it was a clergy, your parents, peer. Doesn’t matter. It sunk in and we found it difficult to fight that mind set. As you get older (you couldn’t tell me this at 20), you find that what you were told, wasn’t necessarily all true. You start to gather information, you pull it together and then realize. Wait a minute. That is not true.

We are humans, but we also are spiritual beings as well. I find the quicker we bounce back, the quicker we start to shine the light. Some circumstances are more difficult than others. They are lessons we must go through. When we arrive on the other side, we tend to have an ah hah moment. If not, we repeat. You got a life time to practice. However, quicker you learn, the easier you are able to stand on your feet, and move on.

Move on to what, you wonder. You move on in life. Even when you get older, you get a reprieve from daily strive. Then bam, a situation comes along for you to pay attention to. Or not. Maybe this one is not your circus. Maybe you have to sit back and let them follow through on their own. You are at this moment preparing yourself for what lies ahead. Maybe it is just rest. Maybe another lesson. No matter what comes across your pathway…always strive to shine through. Have a wonderful day!

Posted in Insights, motivation, The lady's Journey

Precious Moments

Where did January go? It seems like we just celebrated the new year. I hear many people saying I can’t wait for this or that to happen, instead of staying in the present. Do you realize that when we do that. We are wishing our life away. Everything will come in due time. When you are ready it will show up!

What you can do is start visualizing your dream. Make a vision board. What you would like to see in your life. Then visualize it like it is already here. That is different then wishing. When you are wishing you are wishing your life away. When you visualize, You are seeing what you what right here right now! In the moment! You then create it coming true!

Posted in Uncategorized

Be still and know

I can’t begin to tell you how many times that I have typed out a response or a blog and ended up erasing whole thing. Many times I was getting out my anger and didn’t need to really say that. Just needed to get rid of it the anger that was holding back my creativity. Then I proceeded to write with flow.

This doesn’t happen all the time. When we make a conscious effort to think before we speak we know intuitively that it is not right or not to get out there. Especially when publishing. I also don’t like to intentionally try to hurt people either. I tend to try to make things better and as a result when I need the recipicle attention. I get upset because it is not there. In this case it is important to stop and ask yourself what exactly is the motive of the communication.

What many people don’t realize is that our words are spells. Starts with thoughts, then words come out of our mouth then into action.