Posted in Feng Shui, motivation, Organization, The lady's Journey

Clearing my space

I was told from my Astrology friends, that this full moon would be in Virgo and to use it to my advantage. Yes I’m a Virgo. I have spent most of this week. I have been in an decluttering. It was so cathartic to rip up all the paper. At the end of this week I am feeling so much more energized. It is amazing how much a difference it makes. Why fight it, if it brings some beneficial results. It is called life happens. It is moving past that what is stopping me, accepting it.

I have Attention Deficit. Approaching a project can be unapproachable. I’ll be frozen for days and months avoiding it totally choosing some fun stuff. Sometimes, I need someone to just sit with me. Not even do much. Just start me addressing the pile. I did have some one help me and what a blessing it was. Then they can walk away.

Last night after I cleared my closet and stuff all around my room. I also cleared my rocker so I can enjoy my book later that night. It was such a sense of peace in there without all the clutter. I so enjoyed my journaling. That is a sacred place for me. I haven’t been able to enjoy it. The clutter stifled my creativity. Once it cleared. I was writing pages! I invite you to join me.

Posted in Feng Shui, motivation, The lady's Journey

Where did it all come from!

Thank you Lisa! I saw this meme on my friend’s post and I know she’s having a blast uncluttering her home in order to sell. I reorganized my kitchen and livingroom this week and it has that just moved in (unpack) look!

I had someone help me out a bit, as I was trying to put this stuff in order. She asked how I have all that I do. Well I have had myself a job and a home for well over 40 years for starters. I didn’t lose my home and took care of things. So I’m not going to apologize for all that I have!

Now, after saying that. Do I need all this! There is just two of us. My books are my friends. Many are reference. So are all the papers! Yikes Now that I can actually see my books with the reorganizing, I have new stuff to start writing about.

The above meme is right we spent all those years of money, energy and time to clean up a mess. It is time to weed out what I don’t need. It is a toss up, after working hard to obtain what I did and then to wonder why?!? It is all inside us. There is no need to fill our selves with stuff anymore.

When I feel a sense of order on the inside as I unclutter. Then the world around me starts to unclutter, too!